In Love With the Devil

In Love With the Devil

A tragic love story, doomed from the very beginning. Powerful and masterful, Rumph pours her heart and soul into this harrowing account of the perils of falling for the devil himself, a love that nearly cost her life. From the first page, its clear this is no ordinary romance. Told with unflinching candor, this ill fated love story engages readers, as the author reads her ex with a level of precision most can only dream of. You'll feel a pang of empathy as she delves into the soul crushing realities of domestic turmoil. This is not a story for the faint hearted. With courage and vulnerability, Rumph lays bare the heavy price she paid for making a deal with the devil, offering readers a cautionary tale about the risks of bargaining with ones soul. This unforgettable journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the lessons learned from a love that was destined to fail
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